Day 7: Felix Bernard and Richard B. Smith – “Winter Wonderland“
McDoc and I both grew up in California — he in Orange County in the sunny south, and I in the Napa Valley in the frequently foggy north. But we’ve been living in colder climates since we married 6 years ago: first Michigan, then Massachusetts, and now Pennsylvania. When people we meet learn of our West Coast roots, they almost always ask: 1) don’t you hate the weather here? and 2) do you hope to go back someday?
To be honest, the answers are no and no! We miss our family members in California, but we don’t miss the heavy traffic and high cost of living. Besides, we’ve both grown to love the four seasons. Snow is pretty, and driving in it isn’t as terrifying as I expected. And you appreciate nice weather all the more when you don’t have it all the time! Call me crazy, but when I lived in San Diego I found the weather not only monotonous, but deceptive, too — 60 degrees feels surprisingly chilly when local law decrees that it should always be 72.
So, every year when the first snow coats the lawns and decorates the tree branches with dazzling white, McDoc and I look at each other and say, “It’s a Winter Wonderland!”
And then we sing this song:
Let’s keep in touch!
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