Miss Music Nerd Finds Fame, Fortune!

NaBloPoMo Day 31! I made it — woot!

Well, fame, at least. Sorta. You’ve gotta start somewhere! 😉

Last fall while I was in the midst of the 30 Days Project, I was interviewed for an online publication called Michigan Women’s Forum. Since then, I’ve been checking the site periodically to see if the interview had been published. Well voilà! Here it is!

lk-color-small.jpgCalendar Girl: Michigan composer pens 30 songs, one day at a time.

At the time of the interview, I was posting the pieces on the blog McDoc and I started for recording our adventures in our new hometown, Our Detroit Odyssey. That blog has been sadly neglected of late… after all, I’m only one blogger! Anyway, that’s the link the interview gives, but I imported all of the 30 Days posts into Miss Music Nerd, so this is a better link for them. (The old links might not have audio anymore — oh, bother…)

In other news, it seems like only yesterday that McDoc and I embarked on the whirlwind adventure that brought me to my current location, sitting here alternatively typing and gazing out at a partly cloudy Michigan sky. But it has actually been almost one whole year since McDoc’s med school graduation, our wedding the next day, and our scenic San Diego-to-Michigan drive the following weekend (I can tell you, Piccolo has no interest in repeating a trip like that any time soon!). So we’re celebrating this weekend with a little trip to the exotic land of Windsor, Ontario. We hear you can get good Italian food there. 😀 Onward — south to Canada!


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